EISFELDT Thelma Theodora

EISFELDT Thelma Theodora EISFELDT Thelma Theodora

EISFELDT Thelma Theodora

Née le 30/04/1896 à Alameda (Etats-Unis)

Infirmière au 52nd Camp Hospital

Décédée le 26/01/1919 au Mans (72) – non retrouvée sur l’état-civil

Repose dans la Chapel of Memories Columbarium and Mausoleum à Oakland (Etats-Unis)

Source : findagrave

Ayant servi au même hôpital : Mle VIETMEIER

EISFELDT Thelma Theodora

Born on 04/30/1896 in Alameda, United States

Nurse at the 52nd Camp Hospital

Passed away on 01/26/1919 in Le Mans, France – not found in the civil registry

Resting at the Chapel of Memories Columbarium and Mausoleum in Oakland, United States

Source: Find A Grave

Served at the same hospital: Miss VIETMEIER

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